When to repair your ductwork
One of the most common problems with older ductwork is the development of leaks. Over time, ductwork connections can come loose or can be damaged. The resulting leaks greatly reduce the effectiveness of your air conditioning system.
Our ductwork specialists are trained to thoroughly inspect your entire existing system with an emphasis on leak detection. We will locate any leaks and completely reseal them using with sealants like Glen Cote or Mastic Duct Sealant. HVAC air flow balancing
Modifications to a ductwork system are commonly needed. Cool air being generated by your home's air conditioner prefers to travel in the straightest path possible. Ductwork systems that have many twists and turns greatly reduce airflow. This can make certain rooms in your home receive less air than other rooms. This is known as a ductwork system that is out of balance. To solve this, a ductwork technician from Arctic Fox Air Conditioning & Heating can install a device called a scoop which forces air into the room keeping it as cool as the other rooms in the house. Contact us today
To schedule an appointment with one of our ductwork technicians, please call us at
(623) 533-5718 or
send us an email.